Properties of Blackbutt Timber: What Makes it a Great Material for Staircases?
16 December 2019
Whatever your property is, having a sturdy staircase is important to access other areas of your property. Low-lying properties like home and some offices maximise the presence of staircases to get to another floor. Since homes tend to change their design plans more often than other properties, then changing the material for staircases may not be a new thing for homeowners. As you all know, staircases may be made from different materials such as stones and timber. One of the most common materials for staircases is timber, which can be broken down further into numerous types. Among the best timber […]
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Outdoor Timber Stairs: Reasons that Make Merbau Timber the Ideal Material to Use
09 December 2019
If you are planning to add another floor outside your house, then adding stairs must be the next thing that you have in mind. Let’s say you want to build a deck that will cater to exterior spaces for entertainment, patios, and other related places. Having outdoor stairs with your external deck can be useful since you don’t have to use or convert the stairs found inside your home. Adding outdoor stairs cost cheaper than renovating and retrofitting your indoor stairs. Considering the vast amount of material choices for stairs, you must know that there is one type of material […]
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The Pros and Cons of Timber Balustrades
22 November 2019
For sure, most homes with a second floor and more have stairs that are carefully designed and constructed according to the owners’ preferences. However, there may be instances that they have to redesign and reconstruct the stairs for various personal reasons. This instance calls for a new hunt for materials, design, structure, and more for their stairs at home. One of the main parts of the stairs is the balustrade. Balustrades are composed of small columns topped by a rail, which helps the people flight the stair safely. These balustrades prevent people from falling while going up or down the […]
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Things to Consider When Creating a Staircase Design with Your Kids in Mind
04 November 2019
Having kids at home can be fun. They can change the overall mood and dynamics of the house in just a few days. These little children can turn an organized house into a complete battlefield. From throwing out things to shoving the food away, these small humans can definitely get into your nerves in no time. Despite all these, you must see to it that each corner of your house is completely safe for the kids. One of the most common areas that you must check is the stairs. In hindsight, our staircase is not that harmful since it is […]
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Qualities that Make Victorian Ash Wood a Practical Choice for Staircases and Balustrades
24 October 2019
Aside from their respective aesthetic values, staircases and balustrades are also functional facets of a certain infrastructure. A staircase is used to bridge together vertical distances by dividing it into small elevated platforms known as steps. While a balustrade is used to prevent those that are utilizing the building from falling off of staircases, balconies and any areas that are higher than a meter off of the ground level. That is why it is necessary to utilise a material that is both durable and appealing. Among the materials that can be used for staircases and balustrades is Victorian Ash Wood. […]
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