

29 June 2016

It isn’t usually until people become homeowners that a true understanding of stairs and staircases is realised, and a broader awareness of the different types of aesthetically appealing stairs that are available to them, like contemporary stairs with balustrades. But rest assured, although this modern design and seemingly free-standing type of staircase may look like it cannot bear heavy loads, it can, especially if it is designed by professionals who specialise in quality timber staircases.

Defining Stairs and Staircases

It is not uncommon to hear people compliment or criticise the design of staircases and stairs today, however, some may find it confusing because these words are often used interchangeably or synonymous with one another. Actually, stairs are a design feature or an element of a staircase, and stairs actually have design features available apart from the whole staircase. However, the truth of the matter is that the word ‘stairs’ has become an accepted description of staircases, and it’s used frequently.

So, whatever people wish to call it, staircase, stairway or stairs, the real important thing is that these are built in a way to meet Australian standards of excellence and building code requirements.

Planet Stairs Meets all Australian Standards

Here at Planet Stairs, we specialise in contemporary staircases, traditional staircases, as well as balustrade and handrails. Our professional tradesmen can design, manufacture and install quality, affordable timber staircases, handrails and balustrade for either external or internal commercial construction projects, home renovations or new home builds.

With over fifteen years of experience in designing, manufacturing and installing all types of staircases, along with balustrade and handrails crafted from wrought iron, timber and stainless steel, we known all the building code requirements for the individual height of each stair, handrails, balustrade, the width of staircases and the required head space above these, to meet Australian standards.

If you are interested in designing a new staircase to meet the special needs of an elderly family member, or to improve access to the second story of your home, or you want to learn more information about contemporary stairs and staircases for a new home build, then please contact Planet Stairs today, we are here to help.

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